Friday, July 27, 2007

When you listen to tales of friends...

So yesterday I had a really deep conversation with a friend. He is 28, successful, single - and an absolute dish according to me - and he is broody.

Men get broody?
Yes, apparently it happens that men sometimes feel that they have it all... except a mini-me. They actually really get depressed about not having offspring...

The other half of the problem is that this guy is probably too decent for most Joburg girls. (Yes, he is straight - I know that for a fact.) Plus he won't settle for just anyone - so no, you cannot ask me for his contact details!

The only reason I mentioned this conversation is because I actually understand how my friend feels. I think most people reaching their late twenties have this empty feeling if they're single and ... well, childless.

Who ever said it's fun being single? Torture them!

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