Monday, July 14, 2008

Cuddle Bugs and cold weekends

This morning I really felt like sleeping in and after the Leprechaun left for work - and that's just what I did. I then got woken by a small wet nose against my cheek. The Genie came to check on me and make sure that I haven't missed the alarm or feel sick.

This sort of behavior from Genie means one thing, he still loves his mommy - lots. Enough to be a cuddle bug for an hour in my arms... and I never miss the opportunity.

This weekend was really cold. The worst part, it rained. We spent most of the weekend under the duvet with laptops or a movie. Plus, the little bell-wearing Leprechaun made a really good potjie :) Guess what we're having for dinner tonight...
I also made vetkoek - it took awhile to get all the ingredients as I didn't know it needed instant yeast instead of baking powder, but I made it - and it was yum-yum-yum. I even sent some over to the boys next door.

It is only about 7 weeks before I go to Europe for my longest holiday ever and after the bout of flu. I could barely walk up a flight of stairs last week and I need to be able to do at least 20km a day to be able to get to all the sights that I need to see. I now have a rigorous plan to get fit and strengthen the muscles I'll need to lug around my backpack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I've never heard of either of the foods mentioned, and I like to consider myself a lazy epicurean! I'll have to google them. Speaking of which its time for lunch.