Monday, October 22, 2007

Time is a precious commodity

Time is so tight nowadays between work, school and dating C* that I have not really had a chance to write - but, I promise that will soon change as I have 3 evening classes left and hopefully soon I'll be getting my ADSL at home too.

When you are on a tight schedule like me you have to start thinking of planning your life better - as obviously that loose schedule I had as a single woman no longer works for me.

I have started to work on a rough draft of how I will be arranging my life.

7:00 - 15:00 at the office
15:30 back in the Northern Subs'
16:00 at school (ends next week)
20:30 get home

7:00 - 15:00 at the office
15:30 back in the Northern Subs'
Do stuff around the house till 6
18:00 C* arrives

7:00 - 15:00 at the office
15:30 back in the Northern Subs'
Do stuff around the house till 6
18:00 C* arrives

7:00 - 15:00 at the office
15:30 back in the Northern Subs'
16:00 at school (this Thursday is the last one at class)
20:30 get home

7:00 - 15:00 at the office
15:30 back in the Northern Subs'
Do stuff around the house till 6/7
18:00 C* arrives or go out with my K*

Saturday & Sunday... try to relax some, get the week's shopping done, do stuff around the house.

Is it just me that never have time to get to everything that I really would like to and need to do?
It just really feels like a day should be a little longer - but then again, would I really work or just watch more TV?

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