Monday, May 14, 2007

What to do when you're feeling blue

All of us get those days where we just feel really lonely. Maybe its because you used to have someone in your life that was there when you needed them (or not). Maybe its just because you stopped partying for a single moment and then it hit you like a ton of bricks.

I get those days. I have it today. Yes, I know that I joke about keeping my options open and all that, but I actually would really like to have someone in my life. No, that doesn't mean I'll settle for just any guy... I'd rather feel like today. Thank you.

How to deal with feeling like the loneliest person in the world
mmm right now I feel like eating a huge slice of chocolate cake, but as we all know, I'm dieting. So, I guess I'll stare at a picture of a really nice cake on the internet and try remember just how cake tastes.

But... this is what I usually do after work (when feeling blue):
I pick up a nice dinner from Woolies
Take a long bath
Have dinner in front of the TV
Then switch on my laptop and chat to people
if that doesn't help...
I get into bed
and cry 'till I fall asleep

So, to simplify. Do something when you are lonely to keep your mind busy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or do like I do ... get in bed with your laptop and chat to people :)