Thursday, February 15, 2007

Date 2: Mr Relationship Addict (English Guy)

mmm... so been chatting to the same person for a week and a bit. A drink should be fine, right?
He seems ok on email and phone. So here we go... date 2.

Nice guy. Would probably set him up with a friend sometime. I just don't feel the spark. Friendship. Clicked on the talking bit and interests.

In the meanwhile I get... "you are so perfect... yada yada.." And no matter how many times you say no to a second date - you still get asked out over and over and over again.

Stop the cutesy look. It is what makes guys weak in the knees.

The Explanation:
He is looking to replace his previous relationship. He would probably date any girl that smiles at him.

The Verdict:
Just friends - ok!!!!

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