Sunday, February 18, 2007

Date XXX: The 36 Hour Date (English Guy)

The second date, 19:00 on a Friday night, DVDs at my place. The invite said: “strictly as friends”.

So, the date went well. We stayed up talking and fell asleep on the lounge floor. We woke up later and realized… he never went home, but I’m ok with it. He leaves, but makes a breakfast date. We go for breakfast. We spend the rest of the day talking.

The Explanation:
The date went really well but nothing more than talking and maybe a kiss at the end. You have a choice on how to take this further.
1. get to know him and keep it at kissing
2. jump right in and date him/sleep with him (not recommended)

The Verdict:
Would like to get to know him first.


Anonymous said...

and, have you gone on another date with him yet?

Anonymous said...

Do you think being receptive rather then hesitant and evaluating every moment and applying your theories would be a better approach for the next victim?

Susann Deysel said...

First of all, I'm always "cautious" whan meeting a new guy - I have my reasons for this. Unfortunately this guy was not willing to let me first get to know him better. I will admit - I really liked him, but... so is life.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was also just cautious and not your run of the mill "meet them, use them, dump them kinda guy" !! There must have been alot good to stay in eachothers company for so long and still want more!

"Life doesn't happen to you, you actually get to control outcomes by your actions" :)